Synopsis by theflixtor - Follows Komugi and Iroha on a new adventure, when they are sucked into the world of the video game Doki Doki Tanukingdom (Thrilling Raccoon-Dogkingdom).
Komugi Inukai / Cure Wonderful (voice)
Iroha Inukai / Cure Friendy (voice)
Yuki Nekoyashiki / Cure Nyammy (voice)
Mayu Nekoyashiki / Cure Lillian (voice)
Satoru Toyama (voice)
Sora Harewataru / Cure Sky (voice)
Mashiro Nijigaoka / Cure Prism (voice)
Tsubasa Yuunagi / Cure Wing (voice)
Ageha Hijiri / Cure Butterfly (voice)
Princess Ellee / Cure Majesty (voice)
Mirai Asahina / Cure Miracle (voice)
Riko / Cure Magical (voice)