Synopsis by theflixtor - From its distinctive neighborhoods to its architectural homes, Los Angeles has been the backdrop to countless movies. In this dazzling work, Andersen takes viewers on a whirlwind tour through the metropolis' real and cinematic history, investigating the myriad stories and legends that have come to define it, and meticulously, judiciously revealing the real city that lives beneath.
Narrator (voice)
Officer Frank Smith in Dragnet (archive footage)
Frank Stark in Rebel Without A Cause (archive footage)
Lana Turner in L.A. Confidential (archive footage)
Dorothy in Bush Mama (archive footage)
Dr. Clayton Forrester in The War of The Worlds (archive footage)
Roy Morgan/Roy Martin in He Walked By Night (archive footage)
George Copeland in The Blue Dahlia (archive footage)
Buzz Wanchek in The Blue Dahlia (archive footage)
Veda Pierce in Mildred Pierce (archive footage)
Terry Lennox in The Long Goodbye (archive footage)
FBI Agent Little Johnson in Die Hard (archive footage)